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Dynamic Balancing

Our facilities include the latest model of Germany – Schenck CAB920 V7 balancing machine control unit and two units of machine bed with maximum capacity dia.1600mm x 5 meter long x weight 3,000kgs.

Balancing - ABB TPL65-A30

ABB TPL65-A30 Turbo Rotor

Balancing - ABB TPS57-F33

ABB TPS57-F33 Turbo Rotor

Balancing KBB HPR5000 Turbo Rotor

KBB HPR5000 Turbo Rotor

Balancing - KBB ST-6 Turbo Rotor

KBB ST-6 Turbo Rotor

Balancing - MAN NR24S Turbo Rotor

MAN NR24S Turbo Rotor

Balancing - MAN NA70TO9 Turbo Rotor

MAN NA70TO9 Turbo Rotor


MET-30SR Turbo Rotor


MET-83MB Turbo Rotor

Balancing - Decanter Bowl

Decanter Bowl

Balancing - Decanter Conveyor

Decanter Conveyor

Balancing - Generator Armature

Generator Armature

Balancing - Motor Armature

Motor Armature

Balancing - Propeller


Balancing - Purifier Bowl

Purifier Bowl

Balancing - Screw Compressor Gear Shaft.

Screw Compressor Gear Shaft

Balancing - Sewage Pump Impeller Asssemb

Sewage Pump Impeller Assembly

Balancing - Universal Joint

Universal Joint

Balancing - Ventilation Fan Peller

Ventilation Fan Peller

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